Blue Week at BSS kicked off on Monday, April 24th. I have been reading a variety of books highlighting the importance water has in our lives and how important it is to take care of this natural resource. Here are some of the books I've been sharing: A Cool Drink of Water by Barbara Kerley shows photographs of people all over the world and how they get their drinking water. In Simpson Desert in Australia, it is carried by a caravan of camels. One photo depicts a woman from China filling buckets from a lake, and she uses a wooden yoke to help carry them home. I then assigned each student a page from the book, and they had to look up their place in the atlas and locate it on the world map. Everyone then shared with the class where in the world the photograph was from. It was a fun way to learn about the world and the many methods and places that people find their drinking water. ______________________________________________________________________ A Ri...
Mrs. Ferguson shares booklists, websites, and what is going on in the Blessed Sacrament School library. BSS is a Preschool - Grade 8 Catholic school located in Walpole, Massachusetts.