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Chitty Chitty Bang Bang by Flies Again by Frank Cottrell Boyce

I have to admit, I’m a little fuzzy in my memories of the original Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.  I vaguely recall seeing the movie, and I’m not even sure if I read the original story by Ian Fleming.  But I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed this modern day follow-up to the original 1964 classic.  All three Tootings children, Lucy, Jem, and Little Harry, as well as their parents, were well drawn out and entertaining.

After Dad loses his job, he really needs an outlet to nurture his creative side (otherwise all his inventions for the house will drive the family crazy!).  First he rigs the doorbell to not only welcome passersby  into the house, but invites them in for a cup of tea (which automatically boils itself).  But the people never leave, so he decides to rig up Little Harry’s toys to automatically play with him, but it scares the wits out of poor Harry.  Mom brings home an old beat up 1966 camper van and convinces him it’s a great project to keep him occupied (never thinking in a million years he could actually fix it!).  With the help of clever Jem, he does fix it and the family goes off on a worldwide adventure.

Lucy surprises the whole family, with her knowledge of the world and the many languages she is able to speak.  Apparently, instead of doing her nails and sulking in her room like her parents thought, she was reading up on just about everything.  After several silly suggestions of names for the van, the family decides on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang because of the noise it makes when it’s driving (or flying, or when it descends in the ocean like a submarine!).

Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Flies Again is a great adventure story with lots of action and humorous dialogue. Suggested for boys and girls in grades 3-6, or anyone who read the original and wants to see whatever became of the original Chitty Chitty Bang Bang!  This book is on the list for the fourth and fifth grade Battle of the Books.
