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Potato Pants by Laurie Keller

 Many BSS students enjoy listening to silly stories (maybe because I enjoy reading silly books to them!). Potato Pants is one of my new favorites.  Written by Laurie Keller (of Artie the Doughnut fame), it is a story of a potato who is excited because the local store will be selling pants for potatoes...for one day only.  But his excitement is crushed when a particular eggplant enters the store, one that pushed the potato and knocked him into a trash can just the day before.  Will Potato miss out on this one day opportunity to finally get a pair of pants because he is scared of the eggplant??  

Students enjoyed designing their own potato pants. My particular favorite was drawn by Lara.  It depicted Mrs. Dimauro as a potato, with her two tater tot twins.  I shared it with Mrs. Dimauro, who got a good chuckle out of it.  Here are some other particularly precious potato portraits!
