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The Perfect Thanksgiving by Eileen Spinelli

First graders enjoyed hearing about the two families portrayed in The Perfect Thanksgiving by Eileen Spinelli.  Abigail Archer's family was perfect in every way- from the perfectly cooked turkey to the well-mannered guests, to the mother who was all dressed up and baked homemade pies.  The narrator of the story explained that her family was just the opposite: burned turkey, loud and crazy family, and a mother dressed in blue jeans who bought pies from the store. But both families had one thing in common--the love for their family.

The contrast between the two families was amusing, and when I asked if their Thanksgiving feast day was more like Abigail's or the author's, most seemed to think their family was perfect just like Abigail's!  Hmmm, I find that hard to believe, but if they say so! Happy Thanksgiving everyone (no matter how your family celebrates!)
