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2nd Grade Little Red Riding Hood unit

We started a Little Red Riding Hood unit in second grade. We discussed folktales and how they are stories that originated long ago before there was television or even books. They were stories that were told and retold across many generations, and different versions with different details were shared all around the world.  Then we talked about how fairy tales begin and end ("Once upon a time" and "They all lived happily ever after") and how good triumphs over evil.  There are either talking animals or royal characters, and things often come in sets of three.

We started with Trina Schart Hyman's classic retelling, and most students were familiar with the events in this one.  Some students were a bit horrified when the wolf actually swallowed Red Riding Hood, and I explained that many of these tales were originally written for adults and the details aren't always "kid friendly."  But of course Red was rescued and they "all lived happily ever after" (except the wolf!).  

Next week we will travel to Ghana in West Africa and read Pretty Salma by Niki Daly.
